The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has recently released a Public Beta test mobile app to help organisations understand the law regarding Health and Safety including their rights and responsibilities. It is specially designed for small and medium sized enterprises (SME). HSE’s mission is to prevent death, injury and ill-health in workplaces. The app was created in partnership with The Stationary Office (TSO) and allows its users to easily navigate through the content and find the guidance using the built-in search function. Automatic live updates are available so that the users are up to date with the latest advice, guidance and legislation.
What is a Beta Test
Beta Testing is the final round of testing before a product is released. A public beta test allows the public to try the product with the aim of uncovering any bugs or issues so that they can be addressed before general release.
The app contains three main sections, which are:

1. The Health and Safety Toolbox (HSG268)
This section explains the Health and Safety law and your responsibilities as an employer. It provides an overview of all potential risks, applicable to organisations. Topics covered are:
- How to manage health and safety
- Your organisation
- Your workers
- Your workplace
- Electrical safety
- Fire safety
- Gas safety
- Harmful substances
- Machinery, plant and equipment
- Manual handling
- Noise
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Pressure equipment
- Radiations
- Risk assessments
- Slips and trips
- Vibration
- Working at height
- Working in confined spaces
- Work-related stress
- Workplace transport
2. A Guide to Managing Risk
This section provides a simple step-by-step guide and practical advice on how to manage risk. It includes:
- Steps needed to manage risk
- Identify hazards
- Assess the risks
- Control the risks
- Record findings
- Review the controls
- Risk assessment template and examples
3. Work-Related Stress
This section includes a condensed version of HSE’s stress management standards approach. Designed for smaller organisations, it comprises a step by step guide to manage work-related stress for:
- Small organisations (up to 50 employees)
- Medium-size organisations (51-250 employees)
- Medium-size organisations, with multiple sites
Ruth Wallace of Wallace School of Transport says “getting expert advice on Health and Safety is expensive and hence an easy to use App would be very helpful. I hope as many SMEs as possible participate in the Public Beta testing as it is in all our interest to have a robust app which works well”.
The HSE health and safety app is now available to downloaded as a one-off introductory rate of only £2.99 from the Apple iOS store and the Google Play Store.
Wallace School of Transport is a fully accredited RTITB company with over 50 years’ experience. You can be trained either at your own work site or at Wallace Centre in Park Royal. If you have any questions, call Wallace Forklift Training on 020 8453 3440, choose option 3 or click here to email us.